Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fruit flavors

White & Yellow Peach (02/2009)
Raspberry & Passion Fruit (01/2010)

 I'm finally starting to whittle these KitKats down to a manageable number. Soon, I'll be all caught up. One can hope at least. Anyway this time around is some of the different fruit or fruit related flavors that I've come across that haven't been mentioned yet. We've got a mixed bag with two types of peach: yellow and white. It's another case of I remember the bag but not the flavor. I can't remember if the Raspberry & Passion Fruit one was any good. I want to think it was amazing, because I love raspberry. But I feel like it might have been disappointing.

The citrus flavors that I have this time around are Sour Orange and Yuzu. You guessed it. I don't remember how these were either. They both could have been amazing or horrible. Citrus Chocolate can go either way, can't it. I think it depends on the chocolate that is used maybe. 

Yuzu (06/2009)
Sour Orange (08/2009)

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