Saturday, April 28, 2012


So, I'm really stretching for categories now. This one is the remaining big bar KitKats that haven't been posted. I'm not really a fan of these big bars. It's just too much KitKat at one time. If I could choose the ideal size, it would be the petites. Usually 6 or 12 come in a box and that means you can share the greatness with everyone else. And the amount of sugar you consume at one time is less, leaving you to feel a lot less like death.

Anyway, the first one this time is Banana. Um...not really delicious. It tasted like fake banana flavoring, something I'm not a fan of. But if you like that, then you'll probably like this KitKat.

Next was good but super sweet. Salt caramel. This flavor is so popular in general. And while I wasn't really a fan at first, salt caramel has really grown on me. It's my Dean and Deluca coffee choice too.

The last bar one in my collection, until a new one comes out, is Bitter Strawberry. I know that chocolate and strawberry is a very common and popular combo. But I'm just not a fan. I should point out that actually, I'm not a huge chocolate fan. I like it, of course, but I can be slightly picky about it. But this is another one of those if-you-generally-like-the-flavor-you'll-love-this situations.

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