Sunday, January 19, 2014

Omiyage: Nagoya's Souvenir

"Azuki Sando" Jan 2014
So, one of my KitKat scouts went back to his hometown over the New Year Holiday and came back with a fantastic souvenir - Nagoya's Regional KitKat! The flavor is あずきサンド味 ("azuki sando"), which is a local "specialty" of toast with margarine and azuki beans. Apparently it's something only people from Nagoya eat and is a source of a bit of mocking. I'm sure it tastes quite good. BUT the KitKat is pretty awful. I like azuki and azuki paste, but the artificial flavoring leaves a bad taste in one's mouth. This is probably the second worst KitKat I've ever tried. The worst one being cheese. But it's another KitKat on the list, so I'm still super happy!

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