Friday, May 25, 2012

Raspberry for adults?

You may or may not recall an earlier post talking about オトナの甘さ or the more grown up "adult" KitKats. They're usually a bit less sweet and they have a bit of a biscuity texture to the chocolate. Anyway, one thing I love about the airport is that it's easy to find KitKats there. They had a few that I had never tried before but most were omiyage ones, which are regionally limited, so I went with the seasonal KitKat, which is time limited.

The flavor is Raspberry. Now, raspberry is one of my favorite berries. It falls second to blackberries. So I was excited about this KitKat. As an オトナ flavor, it's a bit disappointing. It's REALLY sweet. But as a KitKat in general, I have no complaints. It was quite yummy and I'm embarrassed to say that I finished the whole bag on my own already. It's a good thing that I only bought the one bag.

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