Friday, May 25, 2012

Raspberry for adults?

You may or may not recall an earlier post talking about オトナの甘さ or the more grown up "adult" KitKats. They're usually a bit less sweet and they have a bit of a biscuity texture to the chocolate. Anyway, one thing I love about the airport is that it's easy to find KitKats there. They had a few that I had never tried before but most were omiyage ones, which are regionally limited, so I went with the seasonal KitKat, which is time limited.

The flavor is Raspberry. Now, raspberry is one of my favorite berries. It falls second to blackberries. So I was excited about this KitKat. As an オトナ flavor, it's a bit disappointing. It's REALLY sweet. But as a KitKat in general, I have no complaints. It was quite yummy and I'm embarrassed to say that I finished the whole bag on my own already. It's a good thing that I only bought the one bag.

Friday, May 11, 2012


I found a new KitKat! You have no idea how excited I was to see this. Thrilled! So, according to the box, this is the most popular flavor - orange. And they decided to use it as the Tokyo SkyTree Omiyage KitKat. I wonder if this will stick around or if it's just for a month or two now that the tower is about to open up. I guess we'll see. Until then, I'll enjoy this box of boxes of delicious and creamy orange flavored KitKats.

There's three regular sized packs inside the SkyTree box

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Marron (aka Chestnut) 02/2011
I'm always amused when Japanese people assume some loan word is English. Marron is one that surprises many of my clients. I never even heard that word before coming to Japan. I did learn that it is used in culinary circles but that is hardly a world I belong to. In my realm, we say chestnuts. Now, I'm okay with roasted chestnuts. Not something I seek, but I'm okay with them. And they do smell amazing. But desserts like Mont Blanc are really popular here. Of that, I'm not a fan. These KitKats, again I don't remember, probably had that Mont Blanc taste to them.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


I should say I used to really dislike nuts. When I was a kid, the ONLY nut I liked was fresh pecans. (I am Texan after all.) Now I'm okay with most nuts, but I still don't like almonds. There's something about their texture that puts me off. These KitKats have almond flavoring but no pieces, so they were okay. I don't really remember these (surprise?). I'm sure they were mainly chocolate tasting with a small hint of something else. The something else being almond of course.
Bitter Almond 06/2010
Kuchidoke Almond 02/2011