Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chocolatory: Cream Cheese

NEW FLAVOR! I'm loving the new store and the new flavors there. I'm also loving that a fellow KitKat fan lives in Ikebukuro. She stopped by the store on her way to meet me and another friend, and after a 10 minute wait, she was able to get her hands on the new Cream Cheese flavor. Yes!

We were not even slightly disappointed in this flavor. The flavor was again very subtle as first and then it slowly built up. But it never got overpowering. It tasted like a cross between cream cheese and rare cheese cake. I was a bit disappointed when it was over, I'm not going to lie. What're they going to come out with next?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Another Strawberry!?

One of my friends found a new Strawberry flavor. This one is 和苺(Japanese Strawberry?) and I'm not sure how I missed this. But it's probably because I thought I had had it already. What is the difference between all these strawberry flavors?!?!? It's another sweet flavor but as far as I can say, it's the same as any of the others. Good  but not special.

和苺 February 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I found these while perusing the Snoopy Store in Tokyo Station. It's just regular KitKats - traditional chocolate flavor. But look how cute the boxes are! They're vintage style Snoopy and Valentines-themed. ♡♡♡♡