Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Omiyage: Kyushu

So some of the regional KitKats have changed it would appear. My friend got this one from one of his music students who went to Kyushu. I had gotten the Kyushu flavors before, or so I had thought. The Yuzu and Pepper one is no more. Now there's a strawberry one called "Amaou Strawberry". Apparently these are some huge strawberries that are famous in Kyushu. Anyway, my friend sweetly gave me some AND the box so that I could take a picture and post it on here. People are the greatest sometimes.

As for the KitKat, it's another strawberry one. So, it's tastes as one would expect, I think. If I had known that there was going to be so many different strawberry flavors, I would have saved one of each for one big taste test. But alas...