Monday, January 7, 2013

Uji Matcha Latte

2012/12 Ujimatcha Latte
I happened across this bag of KitKats on New Year's Eve. I'm sure that I've had Matcha Latte before, and I think one of the Kyoto Regional KitKats is Uji Matcha. But apparently when you put the two together, chocolate gets involved. Matcha latte + Uji matcha = Uji matcha latte = matcha + chocolate? These little minis had a chocolate bottom and then green tea innards and top coating. It was a pretty nice combination actually. I quite enjoyed all seven petite KitKats.

Special edition: UK omiyage

My good friend and coworker went back to England for a few weeks on vacation. He emailed me a couple days before he came back to Japan and asked how I felt about Chunky KitKats and peanut butter. I didn't know what a chunky KitKat was, but I feel very strongly about the greatness that is peanut butter.

So anyway, he came back with two KitKats for me. Yay! Both were Chunky KitKats. in Japan, they're called "Bar", so that bit wasn't so exciting. One was the regular chocolate, which does taste different (in a good way!) than Japan's regular chocolate KitKat. But the other one was peanut butter. And not peanut butter flavored, no. There was a layer of actual peanut butter on top of the wafer and surrounded by chocolate. One word: amazing. Another word: Happiness! I should tell him to go back and get me some more.

2012/12 Souvenirs from the UK