Saturday, December 14, 2013

Men's Almond?

Men's Almond Nov 2013

So there was a new KitKat bar the other day. I have no idea why it's called "Men's" almond, but whatevs. I bought it anyway. It was a new flavor after all. There's a little sub-line under the name saying there's also coffee flavoring in it. Happy!

I have to say, this is really delicious. I really enjoyed this one, regardless of the weird name. I'm thinking this purchase needs to be repeated.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Strawberry for Adults

The オトナの甘さ (Adult Sweetness) has come out with a new flavor. To be honest, I'm surprised they're just now coming out with this. Maybe the had already released this at one point and I had just missed it. Why have raspberry and passion fruit KitKits before strawberry? Especially given how many strawberry flavors KitKat has already been through. Strange.

Anyway, as far as strawberry goes, this is as good as the others. I'd like to try it again but after putting it in the freezer. I think it'd taste better cold. My friend seemed to wholeheartedly approve. All he could manage after popping one in his mouth was "Oh! That's good".

Adult Sweetness: Sept 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do overs in new forms

I should just accept that the KitKat of today isn't the same as when I first came to Japan. Between them not actually coming out with anything and definitely not coming out with anything new, I should just move on. But I've invested so much in them. Anyway, over the summer there were a few "new" releases. They were all just old flavors in different forms. ....



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Final blast from the past!

Whole grain KitKat 12/2009
I'm finally 100% caught up with my KitKat Chronicals as of now! It's about time! The last two weren't that amazing. The first one is whole grain KitKats, if I understand correctly. This amused me because in my head it says "KitKats that help you poo." (I basically have the sense of humor of a 10 year old boy). The other is くつろぎカカオ, which means "relaxing cocoa". They both taste like chocolate KitKats. Though the "relaxing" one probably had a deeper flavor.

"Relaxing Cocoa" 11/2010

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nothing special

This 紅白 (Red and White) mixed bag comes out periodically throughout the year. There's nothing particularly special about it, but I didn't know that at the time of buying it the first time around. The bag has both the regular and white chocolate KitKat minis in it. It is a nice party pack, I will give it that.
紅白パック(Red/White pack) 01/2010

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Adult Sweetness: Passion Fruit

オトナの甘さ: Passion Fruit 05/2013
 It's another one of the オトナの甘さ(Adult Sweetness) KitKats. I have really come to like this series for a few reasons. The first one being that they're more active than the regular flavors these days. The other reason being that they tend to be a little less sweet and more biscuit-y, so it doesn't taste and feel like you're eating pure granulated sugar. If you're wondering, this Passion Fruit flavored KitKat gets Neena's seal of approval!

Monday, May 13, 2013

From back in the day.

I can't believe I haven't posted these yet. I'm so lazy. I remember that these came out around the same time, if not the same time. And I remember the I loved the Cookies & Cream one. I wouldn't mind a re-release of that one.
Strawberry & Hazelnut 07/2011
Cookies & Cream 07/2011

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Condensed Milk and Strawberry

If this was a regular style KitKat and not a bar, I would have been so happy. But instead I was only a bit happy. If this isn't a "first world problem", I don't know what it. I really should quit complaining. Okay, so here is another type of strawberry KitKat. It was good - a little creamier than most strawberry-ish ones in the past. Not bad.
Condensed Milk and Strawberry 04/2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Crispy Waffle Bars

Crispy Waffle 08/2012
So, one of the "newer" things is "crispy waffle" bars. They're like the regular "big bars" but with more wafer, I guess. They're a bit crunchier and a little less chocolatey at any rate.  So far I've come across two varieties: Regular and White. They're all fine and good but, they're not really any different from the regular ones, as you may be able to imagine.

Oh, how I long for the KitKats of yore.

Crispy Waffle - White 2/2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Omiyage: Kyushu

So some of the regional KitKats have changed it would appear. My friend got this one from one of his music students who went to Kyushu. I had gotten the Kyushu flavors before, or so I had thought. The Yuzu and Pepper one is no more. Now there's a strawberry one called "Amaou Strawberry". Apparently these are some huge strawberries that are famous in Kyushu. Anyway, my friend sweetly gave me some AND the box so that I could take a picture and post it on here. People are the greatest sometimes.

As for the KitKat, it's another strawberry one. So, it's tastes as one would expect, I think. If I had known that there was going to be so many different strawberry flavors, I would have saved one of each for one big taste test. But alas...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Uji Matcha Latte

2012/12 Ujimatcha Latte
I happened across this bag of KitKats on New Year's Eve. I'm sure that I've had Matcha Latte before, and I think one of the Kyoto Regional KitKats is Uji Matcha. But apparently when you put the two together, chocolate gets involved. Matcha latte + Uji matcha = Uji matcha latte = matcha + chocolate? These little minis had a chocolate bottom and then green tea innards and top coating. It was a pretty nice combination actually. I quite enjoyed all seven petite KitKats.

Special edition: UK omiyage

My good friend and coworker went back to England for a few weeks on vacation. He emailed me a couple days before he came back to Japan and asked how I felt about Chunky KitKats and peanut butter. I didn't know what a chunky KitKat was, but I feel very strongly about the greatness that is peanut butter.

So anyway, he came back with two KitKats for me. Yay! Both were Chunky KitKats. in Japan, they're called "Bar", so that bit wasn't so exciting. One was the regular chocolate, which does taste different (in a good way!) than Japan's regular chocolate KitKat. But the other one was peanut butter. And not peanut butter flavored, no. There was a layer of actual peanut butter on top of the wafer and surrounded by chocolate. One word: amazing. Another word: Happiness! I should tell him to go back and get me some more.

2012/12 Souvenirs from the UK