Monday, July 16, 2012

Vanilla Ice Cream

I was quite pleased to see this in the convenience store the other day. Again with the bags - in this case a mini one - but I'll take what they give me. I quite enjoy summer flavors because they always recommend that you eat it cold. Right on the bag - ...... And surprisingly enough, it really does make quite the difference. Vanilla ice cream KitKats taste good at room temp, but something magical happens when they come out of the freezer. It must be because they really do taste quite a bit like ice cream. Sweet and delicious!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Omiyage Kuromitsu

Kuromitsu (2012/06/24)
I got another Omiyage from one of my friends. She's so great to think of me so much. This 黒みつ or Kuromitsu is apparently a KitKat flavor from Tokyo, though I hadn't seen it before. I was surprised by that actually. The box says it's specifically from Tokyo Nihombashi. That's rather near my side of town, and I still didn't know. Anyway, if you don't know what it is, Kuromitsu is basically syrup that's similar to molasses and it's used in Japanese sweets. I like it in "anmitsu". I was rather torn on the KitKat though. It was sweet but in a deep way - like molasses tends to be.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Salt and Puff

So, they came out with another Bar style KitKat last month. This one is called "塩パフ" or "Salt and Puff". I think that if it had been a bit saltier, it would have been better. I found it to be a bit boring myself. And as you may know, I'm not really a huge fan of the bars to begin with so........